Advanced Thumbnail Options |
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Image processing
Resize method Select the resize method. Lanczos or Mitchell generally give the best results. Select "Only reduce thumbnails" to leave images smaller than the specified width and height unmodified.
Filter Select the image filter to be applied to thumbnails. Thumbnails sometimes look a bit blurry after they are resized. This can be corrected by selecting a Sharpen filter. Select "Apply to resized thumbnails only" if you want to apply the selected filter only if a thumbnail has been resized.
File save format Select the default format that Arles uses to save thumbnails.
JPEG image quality Use the slider to select the image quality of generated JPEG images. Better quality also means larger file size.
Generally, values between 70 and 90 are a good trade off between high quality thumbnails and reasonable file sizes. Select 70 if you want the smallest file size with acceptable image quality. Select 90 for good quality images with acceptable file sizes.
If you are working on a CRT monitor, keep in mind that TFT monitors show image artifacts of low quality JPEGs sooner than CRT monitors. One other thing to keep in mind is that due to the nature of JPEG compression, blurry images compress better than sharp ones. If very small file sizes are critical, turn off the sharpen filter or select Mitchell resize method instead of Lanczos 3.
Tip For top quality lossless images, select PNG images as default output graphic format.
Subcategories Set options for subcategory thumbnails. You can switch on subcategory generation on the File Locations tab.
Subcategory thumbnail size Sets the subcategory thumbnail size. Select "Same as other thumbnails" if you want any subcategory thumbnails to be the same size as the standard thumbnails. |